Monday 17 June 2013

Quiet weekend

Not an awful lot of progress this weekend. After a week of rain, the sun finally came out for two days (it's raining again today) so I got a bit of work done. The exterior of the hull is all but finished, just a few minor bumps and divots to smooth out. I'll get at that this week with the Bondo. All the spots are on the upper part of the hull, so I took advantage of the sunshine, masked off the upper hull, and painted the bottom of the hull black from the waterline down. I'll see if I can get those last few bumps sorted out in the next couple days, and if the sun comes out Wednesday as forecast, I might be able to paint the upper part of the hull, which will be light sea gray.

Also on the weekend, I got the shafts put in place with epoxy. I forgot a couple items in my last order from Cornwall Model Boats, so have put in another order, and once that order comes in, I can do the final work to hook up the engines to the shafts. The engine bed is all built and ready to have the engines screwed down, once I get the connectors and have the final engine positions set.

I had hoped to at least have the hull ready to go in the water for an event July 1, but I doubt my order from CMB will arrive in time, so this might not happen. However, as I wait for parts to arrive, I can continue work on the deck of the boat.

Pictures later.

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