Monday 10 June 2013

Missing info

I just noticed that I hadn't written about what happened with Blue Toon. Distaster is what happened. I wrote back in early May that I'd taken the frame home to sand the three frames nearest the bow. After sanding, I put the frame in a stand, so that I could begin marking the spots on the frames where the first plank would be placed, along the deck line. Hmmm, something is wrong here. The mark on one side is way higher than the mark on the other. A quick look along the frame showed that the whole thing had warped, and was out by about 3/4" along its length.

John figures that it suffered from being moved from one environment (his shop) to another (my house) and that the move between places with different humidity levels caused the warpage. So, after much cursing (by me, and by John) we clamped the whole works into a jig at his workshop, in the hopes that it could be straightened again. If so, we proceed. If not, then 50 hours of work is down the tubes. In that event, I will start again, but I'll go with bulkheads rather than frames, which will get me back to the same point in perhaps 10 hours of work vs. another 50.

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