Wednesday 10 April 2013

Not much activity here of late, sorry. I have been doing some model work, just not posting about it. Here's what's happened in the last week:

St. Roch - okay, I fucked up on this one. While working on the port side of the hull, I had the keel piece pinned to a workboard, then added the deck pieces, setting them down to the level of the board. This left a slight gap between deck and bulwarks, and when I sanded the edge of the bulwarks down to the edge of the deck, I had to pretty much sand the bulwarks away completely. This left nothing as a gluing surface for part 18, which glues to the outer edge of the bulwarks. So, the port side came off the board, the starboard side went on, and I used the bulkhead halves from the starboard side to help me make up some strips to add to the messed up port side bulkhead halves. I'll take these strips, use them to rebuild the sanded-away bulwarks, then hopefully I'll be back in business and can finish the port side. In the meantime, the starboard side is on the building board.

MTB - the hull is finished, other than to sand down some filler I put in a few spaces that were a bit uneven. Though I thought earlier that I wouldn't add the deck til all the RC guts were in place, I changed my mind after dry-fitting the deck. It seems to leave plenty of space to fit my hands in the hull to do the work, so the deck got put in place. Also, the two slots for the prop shafts have been cut in the hull.

Jane Burnyeat - I've started building two more frames. Once they have cured for a week or so, I'll cut them to shape and start making more frames. Need to get this done, as some of the cutting work involves the use of my friend John's scroll saw, which I have borrowed and need to get back to him soon.

Blue Toon - all frames are in place, as is the stern. Tonight I will be at John's, and we will be working on strengthening all the spots where frames meet the keel. I think the first hull plank will be added next week.

I'll try to take pictures of all these in the next couple days and will post them.

By the way, I think I'm doing this largely for myself, so I'll have a record of what I've done and when. That being said, I see I've had some visitors over the last few weeks, mainly from Canada, Alaska, and Germany. Whoever you are, thanks for dropping by what I admit is a rather boring blog.

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