Friday 5 April 2013

April 5, TGIF. It was a busy week with work and sports, with a meeting of my ship modelling guild thrown in for good measure, but I still found one evening to go to John's house to work on Blue Toon. In this last session, we started placing blocks of wood in the spaces above the frames, where the frames had been set into the keel. We also got the transom installed, after I finished building it at home earlier in the week. Sorry, forgot to take pictures, but I'll try to remember when I'm over there next week.

In MTB news, the hull is finished other than some minor touch-up work. Once I do that, I'll cut the slots for the prop shafts, then post some more pictures.

And just tonight I did a bit more work on the St. Roch. I had hoped to perhaps use the kit as a guide for a scratch build, but I haven't a hope in hell of managing that in time for September. Not with all the other stuff I have to do. So, the hull at least will be built according to the kit directions. Again, pictures on that later.

I do plan on trying to do more work on the MTB this weekend, and on St. Roch, and on Jane Burnyeat, but my wife is working this weekend, and the huge SEDMHA tournament is happening here in town, plus one of my kids is playing in it, so this weekend will be a blur of hockey and tae kwon do classes and playdate requests and making meals and taking care of kids and dogs, and trying to squeeze in a bit of model building. Wish me luck.

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