Sunday 31 March 2013

Okay, nine days since the last post. I told you it'd be hit or miss here.

So, here's what's been happening. I've been at John's twice, working on Blue Toon. We have the keel finished, all the frames built, and on Thursday we installed all the frames except #10, which is also the transom. That one I've got here at home, and I'm covering it with a couple layers of basswood and balsa that will be shaped according to the plans. Once the transom is done, it'll be added to the keel. Here's a shot of the boat with five of 13 frames in place. The last is being held in place with the frame jig that I built.

And I've also made some progress on the MTB. I've got the hull pretty much completed, though there is still a bit of gap filling and sanding to be done. The next step on this boat will be to install the running gear, then the deck, but I had to buy new glasses next week - my first pair of bifocals(!) - so money is tight. Rather than shelve the boat til I have the cash to order the shafts, props, and rudders, I think I'll continue on and build the wheelhouse. I won't install the deck until I have all the running gear in place, because I want as much room as possible to do the work.

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