Thursday 2 May 2013

MTB work: I picked up a couple 550 motors last night from a friend. They're destined for the MTB model, and should really make it skip along. I have all the pieces for the wheelhouse of the MTB ready to go right now, and will begin assembly soon. I spent a bit of time this past weekend coating the inside of the hull with epoxy to strengthen and waterproof the hull. I got about half done and will do the rest this weekend, time permitting. I also need to place an order with Cornwall Model Boats, for props, shafts, couplings, and rudders.

Blue Toon work: I had a bit of trouble with this one this past week. While working on it, sanding the frames to shape in preparation for planking, I hit the hull against the table, snapping off one side of one frame and cracking another. Much cursing followed. I lost a lot of time because I had to glue the cracked frame, and glue and brace the broken frame, then let everything sit while the glue cured. On Tuesday I took the hull over to John's thinking I was ready to plank, but he says the three frames closest to the bow need more work, so we spent our work time making hull planks. Assuming all goes well this weekend, we will begin planking Blue Toon this Tuesday evening.

It was somewhat of a frustrating week with little visible progress.

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